UPDATE: The event has passed but the replay is available below…be sure to sign up for the newsletter to receive notifications of future seminars and events!

What is it going to take to make 2011 a stellar year for you? Surely you have dreams and goals for the coming year…but do you have a plan?
I want to help you “Build a Better Plan for 2011”.
Join me for a FREE tele-seminar designed to help you get a great kickstart to 2011! This is going to be 30-40 minutes of solid information you can use to make a workable plan for the coming year.
I’ll be covering:
- The Importance of Knowing What You Want
- Goals, and a Project-based Approach to Accomplishing Them
- Breakdown to Breakthrough!
- Why and How the Tenants of Journalism Apply to Your Projects
- The Key to Success
I’ll also speak for a few minutes at the end about my Man vs. Plan Coaching Mastermind Program (it’s a free seminar so there’s a brief commercial at the end…no pressure, just some info).
- When: Wednesday, December 15th at 7 pm Central
- Dial-in Number: 1-712-432-3100
- Access Code: 563498
- Presentation Slides: Click Here to Download
- Replay Info: Click Here to Listen or Download
BONUS: Sign up for my free newsletter and the details for the live event and replay will be sent directly to your inbox, along with a special bonus! You can unsubscribe at anytime.
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