Today is my 40th birthday. I’ve successfully survived long enough to complete 40 laps around the sun (14,610 days). Wow!
I don’t really like my birthday. I didn’t do anything except show up. My mother did most of the work (along with some doctors, nurses, and family support, especially with my father on the other side of the world). But I have always looked forward to today.
Why? Because I was always a little mature for my age. I hung out with an older crowd and was a bit more serious than my peers (not better, just different). I started joking that I was born 40, and eventually I’d get to act my age. Today I can.
Except I can’t. I don’t want to take everything as seriously as I did when I was younger. I want to try new things, take more risks, enjoy more adventures, and have more fun. Tomorrow, when the focus is off of my age, I can relax and enjoy it.
I’ll post my final 40 Before 40 update later today. It’s been an interesting year of doing lots of stuff. There’s very little I’d change, except maybe do 40 At 40 instead. The constant lead-up to this birthday has made it a bigger deal than it should have been. But all in all, it was a great year!
Hacking Amazon
And I have a gift for you, my small but loyal audience. Starting today, the Kindle version of my best-selling book, Conquer the Entrepreneur’s Kryptonite is only 99 cents. And here’s how you can hack Amazon and save even more!
When you buy the Kindle version, the audiobook price drops from $14.95 to $1.99. So buy the Kindle version first, then the audiobook!
You get almost $25 worth of my best work for $2.98 (and I get about $1.70 as a birthday gift!). Click here to save almost 90% for my birthday!
The Kindle price will creep back up to $9.99 over the next few days, so act fast. But the Amazon hack will work even if you pay full price for the Kindle version.
Enjoy and leave a review or a comment below…I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.