There are two extremes people fall into when making plans: not doing it and overdoing it!
For those who don’t plan, I’m not talking about the apathetic but the action oriented. These are people who are so eager to execute their ideas that they simply go, go go! This approach can be great for small tasks and surge efforts, but typically results in a lot of errors and backtracking.
Those who overdo it don’t have that problem. They simply plan and plan and plan, never getting around to execution. Eventually the planning effort kills their idea before it even gets started.
I have to admit I lean toward the overdoing it crowd. I want things to be perfect, and that can be paralyzing. So I force myself to plan and execute, even when I’m not quite ready.
Welcome to my new site and my new strategy regarding strategy. It’s a work in process and probably always will be.
This journey is too complicated to explain in a short post. It involves hours of study, prayer, anger and frustration…birthing pains for something new. It involves visits to Dan Miller’s home in Tennessee, intensive retreats in Colorado and even a brief stop in Jamaica and Key West (more on that later)! And involves the investment of great friends, mentors and coaches who saw the diamonds in me that I had overlooked as simple rocks.
In Seth Godin’s incredible new book Linchpin, he describes superheroes explaining their powers. And in an instant, I discovered my superpower: seeing order in chaos and helping people make realistic plans to achieve incredible things.
I’ll skip the tights and cape for now.
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