I probably just did something stupid. But it’s for a good cause, so maybe that will make it okay.
A little over a week ago, I bought a new bike (a Trek from Cycle Therapy in Mobile, AL). It’s my first bike in about 15 years, and my first REAL bike. Why? Because I desperately need the exercise both for my mind and my body. I work too hard and too much. It’ll be good for me and will probably make me more productive in the long run (not to mention help me live longer).

So far I’ve managed to do a 10 mile ride around town in about 50 minutes (I don’t know if that’s good or not, but I didn’t feel too bad when it was over).
But that’s not the stupid thing.
I just signed up for my first official biking event. I’ve registered for the Tour de Beach ride for Multiple Sclerosis on September 22nd and 23rd. Two days of rides for 75, 45 and 25 miles, though my schedule will probably only allow for the first day.
I really want to do the 75 miler (hubris). I can probably do the 25 miler (safety). I may shoot for 45 miles and hope to finish.
See, I’m insane!
But it is for a good cause and MS has touched my family and friends. Now I have 46 days to prepare.
I also only have 46 days to raise funds to support the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. My initial goal is just $200, but I’d love to raise at least $1000.
Can you please encourage my insanity with a donation? Details are available via http://www.woosleycoaching.com/bikems.
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