My friend Dan Miller of often talks walks on his property with clients. He lives on several acres of beautiful countryside in rural Tennessee. By observing them and what they see, he gains insight into the current state of their mind and emotions.
Those who simply take a walk are having a tough time seeing anything but their problems. They miss the birds chirping, the squirrels scampering, the flowers blooming and even the beauty of a bug flitting about.
When I heard Dan talk about this years ago, I thought I was doing okay. I noticed things so I must not be as bad off as I thought. Either I was wrong, or I’ve reached a new level of awareness!
In all the biking and running I’ve been doing lately to prepare for the Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon and several charity bike rides (BoBikesBama, Bike MS North Alabama, JDRF Nashville), I see so much I can’t remember it all. I’ve seen deer, rabbits, birds, snakes, bugs and all manner of other creatures. This week I actually saw a tiny lizard jump from my path onto the grass and scurry away.
Exercise has turned on my mind in a new way. I’m processing more information and doing more work. The time has become a profitable investment, not a cost to be avoided (like it was for most of my life).
I’m not saying that exercise is the answer for you. It may be meditation, turning off the TV or seeing a counselor that sparks a new level of awareness in you.
Just do something! If you’re in a rut, change your routine. Do something out of character. Try something new.
Then maybe you’ll notice all the critters that share your neighborhood, too!
Jody Berkey · 620 weeks ago
JamesBWoosley 42p · 620 weeks ago
Take advantage of every date opportunity you can get. It's harder the longer you're married and the older your kids get, but it's so important.