I’m very excited to share my book with a larger audience this week…the entire world!
Starting today and running through Friday, November 8th, the Kindle version of my best-selling book Conquer the Entrepreneur’s Kryptonite will be available to download for FREE at Amazon.com.
I don’t know that I’ll ever do another free promotion, so get it while you can.) Here’s the short link: http://www.WoosleyCoaching.com/ctek
Please share the link with everyone you know (and strangers too!). I want to get this book in the hand of as many people as possible so that they can win in 2014 and beyond.
In other news…
Tomorrow night, November 5th at 8 pm Eastern, I’ll be hosting the final promotional teleseminar for my group coaching experience, Conquer 2014. If you can’t make it live, post or email me your question and I’ll tackle it on the call (a replay will be posted).
RSVP at https://www.facebook.com/events/1423003951261489 or just show up. The dial in number is 712-432-3100 [guest code 563498].
The deadline for applications is November 12th and about half of the seats are already taken.
On Thursday, November 7th, I’ll be in Woodland Park, Colorado hanging out with my buddy Kevin Miller (and working on a project with his wife, Teri). Kevin’s shows are normally on Wednesday, but since I’m going to be there he’s doing a special show.
Details will be posted https://www.facebook.com/freeagentuprising (I expect it to be sometime in the late afternoon). A replay will be available.
It’s a busy week, but so exciting. I hope you can join in the fun!
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