Yesterday my son and daughter headed out for the first day of school. Remember that day? The excitement and the fear. The new school supplies (the sight and smell of unused crayons!).
Think you can reclaim that feeling? I think you can…
The first day of school is a day of new beginnings. There’s a date on the calendar. It sits there like bridge that you will inevitably be forced to cross. One moment your on one side…the next on the other. There are rumors of both great things and scary things on the other side. Do you cross the bridge or play hooky?

Your finances are like that. Those bills…they must be paid, one way or another. There’s relief when they’re gone (more when it’s a final payment!). There’s pain when the checking account is emptied. Oh, and if you cheated and used a credit card, that only means a more difficult crossing down the road.
Your career is like that. Had it with your job or your boss? Tired of the 9 to 5 grind, stuck in a cubicle detention center only slightly better than Gitmo? You hear rumors of better job out there, or perhaps you’ve dreamed of running your own business. But it’s scary, and it’s risky. Best to choose the daily bridge to the pain you know, rather than that other path into the unknown.
The truth is that you choose to pay your bills or not, and you choose to keep a job you hate or seek out something better. It’s a choice either way! And there are consequences (results) either way.
Why not take a new look at today and realize the choices you’re making? Make them instead of them being forced upon you. Take control of your future!
Choose today to read a book and learn how to handle your finances or find a job you’d love.
Choose today to seek out someone who’s out there doing what you want to do, and ask them how they did it (most people would be flattered that you’d ask!).
Choose today to take a class and learn what you need to know to make different choices and get to where you want to be.
Choose today to hire a coach to guide you over the bridge faster than you can go on your own.
You have to step out there and make something happen!
When is your NEXT first day of school? Is it today? Or is it sometime eventually when you get time for it?
Trust me…you have to put it on the calendar, get some fresh new crayons, and prepare to color a new picture for yourself.